
Showing posts from October, 2018

Review: David the Werewolf, by Bad Dragon

Happy Halloween, everybody! I had planned to do a review of Pretzal this week, but in honor of the holiday, I've decided to showcase a very spooky beast: Bad Dragon's David the Werewolf . Bad Dragon is a company that specializes in fantasy sex toys. They use only medical grade platinum cure silicone, which is nonporous, hypo-allergenic, and durable. These toys are made to last for years with proper care, and they can be completely sanitized with heat or bleach (you can find proper care instructions here ).  There are so many models to choose from that you might feel a little lost. I sure did when I first began my toying adventures, and I chose the werewolf as my very first knotted toy (for the uninitiated, "knotted" refers to the abrupt bulge at the bottom of the shaft, known as a knot). Something that also drew me to the company was the variety of colors they offer. Over the years, I have amassed quite a collection of Bad Dragon dildos. As you can see from...

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello! My name is Jessica, for all you know, and I'm here to tell you what I think about various adult toys. Now, you may say to yourself: "Why should I care what this anonymous bitch has to say?" Good question. Perhaps you're a virgin curious about what the fantasy toy scene has to offer. Perhaps you've been toying for a long time, and want to get a fresh perspective. Perhaps you just want someone to argue with. Regardless, it's my intention to tell you what I think about the toys I have (and the toys I have had). Whether you agree with me or disagree with me, perhaps we can all learn something at the end of the day.  And perhaps I just wanted a way to show off my collection while still pretending that it has some value to others. The world may never know. Presently, my entire collection (with the exception of a few accessories) consists of dildos from Bad Dragon ( ). Bad Dragon was the first company of its kind that caught my atten...