Review: Nox the Night Drake, by Bad Dragon

Hello, lovelies! I'm back from a much-needed vacation, and ready to dive into my toy collection again. Hubs and I only brought two dildos with us, and today I'm going to discuss one of them: Nox, one of Bad Dragon's most popular toys.

Nox is what you might call a BD staple - almost everyone who has even a modest collection has a Nox, and it's often recommended to beginners. From the picture above, you can see why: smooth curves, a tapered head, and a streamlined design make it one of Bad Dragon's most beginner-friendly models. It has just the right kind of form to set it apart from mainstream dildos without making it intimidating, and I always recommend Nox to anyone who is looking to branch out into fantasy toys.

Currently, I only own one Nox. I hope to remedy this situation soon with the addition of a large to my collection. Once this happens, I'll post an updated review. For now, I will provide the specs for my lonely little night drake:

Size: Medium
Firmness: Medium/5
Color: Marble of yellow, red, green, and blue, listed as "rogue" on the website (I bought it from the Clearance section, so it was premade and not made to order; we have dubbed it the Gummy Wyrm).
Insertable Length: 7" / 17.78 cm
Largest Circumference: 6.5" / 16.51 cm
Largest Diameter: 2.1 " / 5.3 cm
Head Circumference: 5.6" / 14.2 cm
Head Diameter: 1.75" / 4.4 cm

Seriously, it looks just like gummy worms.

For complete virgins to penetration, Nox may be a little too much. However, if you've already tried other things and are looking for a way to segue into the wilder side of sex toys, Nox is a great choice. There are other toys that are perhaps easier for beginners to take, and others that are certainly more virgin-friendly, but I recommend Nox for the simple fact that Nox has staying power. Whether you're a total beginner or a veteran hole-stuffer, Nox is extremely reliable. 

When used vaginally, I find Nox to be quite filling. The head eases its way inside, and then the swell on the upper end of the shaft kicks in. Let me tell you, that swell alone is enough to leave me panting. No matter how much larger my other toys are, no matter how accustomed I am to them, Nox never fails to please. It was the first toy I could take without extra lube, and it's the one I often reach for when I'm not in the mood for anything wilder. It's a reliable stretching tool that will have you ready for almost any other type of toy. 

If you like thrusting, you are sure to like Nox. The base is sturdy, but not overly heavy; it's very easy to hold onto by yourself. Some people may find that they have a hard time getting any leverage, and for this reason I do recommend getting a suction cup (either installed on the model by design, or a double-sided one that you can remove at any time, such as this one or this one). My arms are long enough to allow me to use it single-handed, but you may find that it's easier to use when stuck to a wall or a piece of furniture. This would also allow you go to hands-free, which always adds to the fun.

Riding Nox may be tricky if you're using a smaller size, but there's a lot of pleasure to be had this way. Nox is angled in a way that prevents it from straying off into uncomfortable places. The head makes insertion easy, so you rarely have to worry about it slipping past its intended target. Many people have found that Nox is wonderful for P-spot and G-spot stimulation when ridden from above. The swell presses against the anterior side of your tunnel, and it can produce some wonderful sensations. My own G-spot is difficult to find (maybe it's vacationing in Atlantis), but Nox comes very close to reaching it if it's there.

Grinding with Nox is also rewarding, as the upper bulge anchors it inside and keeps things interesting. There is a very slight ridge on the top portion near the base, and I love the way it feels when rubbing against my entrance. For those of you worried about cervix-stabbers, I can assure you that Nox is not among them. I've used my Nox at almost every angle imaginable, and it has never caused any problems for me (and I have a cervix that just loves to get in the way during playtime). 

As a stretcher, Nox is a champ. My Nox can get me ready for anything, because it helps to wake up my vaginal muscles and to prime them for penetration. In fact, Nox is often the only toy that will prepare me for my medium Fenrir's knot or for my small egg plug. Size queens and kings, take note: Nox may just help you on your way. Larger sizes may even have that breathtaking presence that so many other toys inspire. 

If you want a reliable toy that you can thrust with, ride, grind on, and use with minimal preparation, get a Nox. If you're a beginner and you want to see what fantasy toys can offer, get a Nox. If you're a size queen who's looking for something smooth to get started, get a Nox. Nox is one of my favorite models, and I cannot recommend it any more highly. For sheer versatility, Nox is my #1 recommended Bad Dragon dildo.

It's so reliable that we always bring it with us on vacation. No rest for our Nox!

NOTE: Our next order from Bad Dragon will most likely include a large Nox. At that time, I will post an updated review. 


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