Traveling with Sex Toys

We're going on a trip this week! And you know what that means: it's time to find a way to discreetly and safely pack our sex toys.

Prepping your toys for travel is a simple affair, but it does take some forethought. There are certain things to consider, such as the types of toys you have, how those toys may be interpreted to the uninitiated, and the laws of the country to which you'll be travelling - yes, some countries do ban sex toys. The method of travel is also important - airport security is far more complex than, say, cruise ship travel. Travelling by car or bus can minimize the chances of your luggage being inspected, but if you cross international borders, that can be a completely different story.

So, how do you pack your sex toys? First, let's look at some basic tips.

  • Never travel with batteries inside your toys. Not only could this result in damage to the battery and the toy, but it can cause a small kerfuffle if it goes off spontaneously.  
  • Always clean your toys thoroughly before packing. 
  • It's a good idea to separate your toys. Larger, heavier items can be stored in your checked luggage, while small vibrators and lube can be packed in your carry-on. 
  • It's also a good idea to bring a smaller amount of lube, since most airlines have limits on the amount of liquid you're able to fly with. Most lubricants come in smaller versions; alternatively, you can pour some from a larger bottle into a travel bottle (found at most drugstores or online). 
  • Try to pack light. This is a no-brainer, but many people end up bringing more than they need. This also applies to sex toys. 
  • Always assume that your luggage will be searched. Store your sex toys inside plastic baggies, wrapped in or tucked between your clothes. 

Extra Precautions

Odds are that dildos, Fleshlights, and vibrators won't even be looked at twice by security personnel. They have seen some shit. Ask the average security worker if they've ever come across a dildo in someone's luggage, and they'll just give you this dead-eyed stare that says it all: "All the time, so what?"

No, your run-of-the-mill toys aren't anything to worry about. What you should worry about is the paraphernalia that can accompany sex: bondage equipment, handcuffs, harnesses, whips, chains... All of those things may give security a reason to hold you up. I once knew someone who was detained at an airport because she had packed a pair of leather handcuffs. While it probably won't get you in any legal trouble, it can cause a big hassle (and those handcuffs might spend your trip in a locker at the airport). 

A good rule is to simply not travel with anything that could be seen as a weapon or other kind of threat. If you must bring your BDSM gear, try to bring things that don't look as if you're planning to kidnap and torture someone. Use a nylon dog leash instead of chain. Get creative with rope so you don't have to use handcuffs. Leave your whips and knives at home.

Our Go-To Packing Plan

The toys we bring vary from trip to trip, but generally we follow the same guidelines. First, we'll separate the vibes from the dildos. For this short vacation, we're only taking three toys total: a small wand vibrator, our medium Nox from Bad Dragon, and our large Moko from Bad Dragon.

Kirby looks way too happy about this.

The vibrator will travel in my husband's carry-on bag. I've removed the battery and stored it with the batteries I've packed for my camera. All of these will go in my camera case, while the vibrator takes a little ride in hubby's backpack.

Let's just tuck you in there for a bit.

Both dildos are stored in our large suitcase, each bagged separately and wrapped in clothes. Bagging the toys separately is something I really only do out of habit now, but it can be very important if you have toys of differing materials. You should NEVER store silicone toys in contact with other types of toys unless they're hard plastic, glass, or metal. In fact, never store any kind of toy next to any other kind of toy unless you know exactly what is in that toy. If the packaging says "jelly" or "rubber" (or, in some cases, even "silicone material"), then it's a composite that is most likely very reactive with other materials. Just don't do it. You will save yourself a lot of melted toys.

Now you see them...

... now you don't!

But wait - why not carry your dildos/Fleshlights in your carry-on bag? Simple: Checked luggage is examined in an area away from you and the other passengers. Your carry-on luggage can be subject to a search, and they will pull everything out right in front of everyone. Even in places where these searches are conducted behind screens, you'll have the humiliation (or the delight, depending on how you see it) of looking that security guard in the eye as he/she pulls out that giant rubber dong. Unless you get off on that kind of thing, it's best to just let the luggage check people deal with that without having to look at you. 

Finally, I pack my bottle of lube. Our method of travel does not include a liquid limit, and so I feel comfortable with tucking the bottle in a little nook of our suitcase as is. If you're flying, I suggest pouring some lube into a travel-size container (I use something similar to these that I buy at a local drug store). Alternatively, you can always buy a travel-sized bottle of lube, which many brands offer (a 2 oz. bottle of Astroglide is fairly cheap, and will last a long time). Always store your lube in a sealed plastic baggie. This is a good tip for any type of liquid in your luggage, because it makes things so much easier in case of spills or leaks.

With everything bagged and packed, we are ready to go. Now all we need to do is close the bedroom door, since our in-laws will be staying at our place to babysit the cat. Don't want them getting an eyeful of silicone dick.

It's, uh, to keep the cat out of the bedroom! Yeah...

Countries That Ban Sex Toys

Below is a list of countries where the possession of "indecent materials" is banned. In many cases, sex toys are not named specifically; however, they can be defined in these countries as "immoral or indecent". Please note that I did not include any country that carries a level 4 (and sometimes level 3) travel advisory under the US Department of State (which I also checked against the UK and Canadian government travel advisory sites). If a country is torn by civil unrest, it's safe to assume that you won't be vacationing there with your sex toys.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. I've done my best to research the laws of these countries as they pertain to sex toys, but some of them are a bit hard to define. A lot of digging turned up a list of several other countries that supposedly banned pornographic materials, but further research into their laws shows that they only ban certain types of porn, and there was no mention of paraphernalia like sex toys. Some of these places even had legitimate shops where you could purchase toys - a few even showed me maps with about a dozen sex toy shops! Suffice it to say that these laws are subject to change, so always do your research before traveling with sex toys (as you should even when not traveling with sex toys!).
  • Algeria
  • Andorra
  • Angola
  • Bahrain
  • Barbados
  • Bhutan
  • Brunei
  • Burma/Myanmar
  • Cayman Islands
  • Cuba
  • Egypt
  • Grenada
  • Indonesia
  • Kazakhistan
  • Kenya
  • Kuwait
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mauritius
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Pakistan - Please note that pornographic and "indecent" material is banned here, but sex toys are apparently sold online to Pakistani citizens. Exercise caution when traveling here with yours.
  • Qatar
  • Rwanda
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Senegal 
  • Sri Lanka
  • St. Kitts and Nevis
  • St. Lucia
  • Sudan - Sex toys are not mentioned in the laws, and laws against porn seem to vary by region; exercise caution.
  • Thailand
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

Now that we're all prepared, we're ready to get the hell out of here - and hopefully you will be, too, the next time you have to travel. Happy trails, everyone. 


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