Review: Leviathan by Dread the Empire

I'm back after a holiday hiatus, and do I have some dick for you! Or, more specifically, these fine people have some dick for you. This past month, I have been casting my net far and wide to scope out the finest in fantasy peen, and our very first non-Bad Dragon toy arrived just last week. Introducing the Leviathan, by Dread the Empire!

Dread the Empire is a company based on Etsy, where you apparently really can find anything. Three years ago, I would have balked at the notion that people make and sell dildos on Etsy. I thought every toy came from a company like Bad Dragon or Twin Tail Creations. Once I started hearing about these smaller outfits, I was loath to think that they could hold a candle to the larger toy companies. How wrong I was - and I am very glad that I was!

After weeks and weeks of researching toy-making methods, reading reviews, comparing prices and sizes, and generally hemming and hawing about branching out to "indie" toy-makers, I decided on the Leviathan from DTE. After going through with the actual purchase, I can honestly say that they make a fine product. The toy I received from them is on par with any I might have purchased from a larger company, and I was happy to add it to my collection.

Now! Without further ado, let's see what this bad boy can offer.

Size: Medium
Firmness: Medium/5 on the silicone density scale
Color: Unnamed fade of white, pink, blue, and "cocoa lavender" - I have dubbed it Cotton Candy Corn
Insertable Length: 6.75" / 17.14 cm
Largest Circumference: 9" / 22.86 cm
Largest Diameter: 2.8" / 7.11 cm
Head Circumference: 5.5" / 13.97 cm
Head Diameter: 2.5" / 6.35 cm

The Leviathan is a prime example of the importance of taking measurements. Never assume that all mediums will be the same size, that all smalls will be small, and so on. Any reputable toy company will publish the measurements of each model, and it is important to consider these carefully before buying anything. At a whopping nine inches around at the largest point, this "medium" is all girth. In fact, it turned out to be my downfall. I can now say that DTE has defeated me, and I tip my hat to them.

Seriously, it's huge!

Much of what I admire about fantasy toys comes from the artistry that goes into making them. Dread the Empire has crafted a true masterpiece here - just look at the detailing on the base! Those fins bring to mind a monumental sea creature, a true leviathan of yore...


Yes, well, if it seems that I'm stalling, I admit that I am. It's just so intimidating!

Such were my thoughts when we unboxed this thing and I finally held it in my hand. I had not anticipated how very large it was! This beast required a lot of preparation to take. It was a lot of work, and I am a little ashamed to admit that I almost gave up. My vagina simply would not accommodate it. I twisted it, turned myself around, tried more lube, and even broke out some of my other girthy toys to try and ease the way. Finally, after relaxing and getting into the mood a bit more, I was able to hilt it...

Only to climax right away.

That's right, this thing made me come after merely inserting it. It was that powerful. All the warmup certainly helped, but the overwhelming force of this toy had me going from a pleasant buildup to a sweaty orgasm in seconds. I tightened up so much that my vaginal muscles forced the toy out of me while I rode out my orgasm.

There is nothing subtle about the Leviathan. The head glides in smoothly, but with little hesitation before you're sliding down the shaft. When you get to the curve, it's best to just lie back and take it (or fall down, depending on how you're positioned). It may take some coaxing, but once it's inside, it fits into place and goes to work stretching you out. This is definitely a powerhouse of the dildo world.

The Leviathan's surface texture is smooth and slippery, which is perfect for its size. When thrusting, it practically glides in and out, the only resistance being from your muscles as they struggle to accommodate this monster. When the swell goes past your opening, it's an eye-popping experience that will have you torn between "Nonononono," and "YES!" For those of you who like a little pain to spice up your pleasure, the Leviathan may offer exactly what you need. That moment of fulfillment comes with a grain of fear, a nagging thought in the back of your mind that says you may just be torn in two this time. Not to worry, though - it's a smooth ride down the shaft, and then it's sliding right out again, leaving your hole a quivering mess that's begging for more.

Grinding or riding on the Leviathan is an exercise in patience, but it can be vastly rewarding if done correctly. Some people may find that the curve can be uncomfortable when shifting position, so I advise you to do this carefully (or to simply pull it out if you plan to move around). Sinking down to the base is a wonderful feeling, and it leaves you full to the brim. I find that I get the most pleasure from just sitting on it and using a vibrator on my clit (for you penis-havers, you get the fun of jerking off while hilting the Leviathan - lucky!).

Dread the Empire offers the Leviathan in a small size, and if this is more your cup of tea, you may notice that the wow factor is no less diminished. Size isn't all it has to offer - it's proportioned just right to give you that "YES" moment, that intense rush when the swell slips past your entrance. I am a big fan of big toys, and the Leviathan's medium form defeated me. Never before have I had to warm up so much for one toy, and never have I climaxed simply from inserting it. What was once only found in the realm of hentai manga is now entirely within my scope of possibility.

My cat, no doubt scheming a way to get his hair all over this thing. Seriously, silicone attracts cat hair like nothing else will.

If you are also a fan of big toys, I suggest giving the Leviathan a look. Even if you're more a fan of smaller toys, a small Leviathan may be right up your alley. Either way, the curvature and the swell on this toy are wonderfully crafted. If it's within your size range, I highly recommend it!

Another joins the ranks of our heroes. Perspective makes him look deceptively small, but move him to the foreground, and...

Poor Hunter looks so intimidated!


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